
Ruby P. The cerebral correlates of high dream recall frequency. WorldSleep Congress, Vancouver, Canada, September 20-25, 2019. (invited).

Ruby P. Dream and Cognition. Pre-Conference Workshop for Young Sleep Researchers, june 25-26, 2019. (invited).

Ruby P. The MIT Media Laboratory -- Winter Dream Engineering Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, january 28-29, 2019.

Ruby P. Féquence et contenu du rêve: quelles nouveautés. Congrès du Sommeil, Marseille, 23 novembre 2017.

Ruby P. Sleep, dream and cognition. Sleep and Aging, Lyon, 30 juin 2017.

Ruby P. Dynamic of the hippocampus activity during arousing reaction from sleep: an intracranial EEG study. International Association for the study of dreams, Anaheim, California, Unites States of America, 19 juin 2017.

Vallat R, Meunier D, Nicolas A, Ruby P. The cerebral correlates of dream recall. The awakening process of high and low dream recallers assessed using combined EEG-fMRI. International Association for the study of dreams, Anaheim, California, USA, 19 juin 2017.

Vallat R, Meunier D, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Sleep inertia and functional connectivity at awakening in high and low dream recallers an EEG-fMRI study. The 18th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, UCL, Londres, 14 juillet 2017.

Ruby P. Recalling a dream related to a recent experience: does it help episodic memory consolidation? 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Bologna, Italiy, 13-16 septembre 2016.

Ruby P. Recalling a dream related to a recent experience: does it help episodic memory consolidation? International Association for the study of dreams, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, june 24-28, 2016.

Vallat R, Meunier D, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Sleep Inertia and Functional Connectivity between Brain Regions at Awakening: An fMRI Study. International Association for the study of dreams, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, june 24-28, 2016.

Ruby P. Distractibility in High and Low Dream Recallers: An EEG Study. International Association for the study of dreams, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, june 24-28, 2016.

Ruby P. Attentional processes in high and low dream recallers an EEG study. Sleep Workshop, Lyon, 20 juin 2016.

Vallat R, Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Ruby P. Marco- and micro-structure of sleep in high and low dream recallers. The 16th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, 9-12 juillet 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Vallat R, Chatard B, Ruby P. Which kind of waking life events are incorporated into dreams? The 16th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, 9-12 juillet 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Ruby P. L'étude expérimentale du rêve en psychologie et en neuroscience. Colloque interdisciplinaire "Les Contours du rêve", 18-20 juin 2015, Paris, France.

Vallat R, Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Ruby P. Marco- and micro-structure of sleep in high and low dream recallers. 32th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 5-9, 2015, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

Vallat R, Chatard B, Ruby P. Which kind of waking life events are incorporated into dreams? 32th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 5-9, 2015, Virginia Beach, Virginie, USA.

Vallat R, Ruby P. From which kind of waking life events do we dream? 32th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 5-9, 2015, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

Ruby P. Actualités de la recherche sur le rêve. Le congrès du Sommeil, 20-22 novembre 2014, Lille, France.

Ruby P. Characteristics of awakenings and arousals in the sleep cycle of high and low dream recallers. Regional meeting of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, November 7-8, 2014, Rome, Italy.

Ruby P. Dreaming: what did we learn from experimental research in psychology and neurophysiology? CENEM International Symposium “New questions and analytical approaches to brain function", October 8, 2014, Santiago, Chile.

Ruby P. Le Rêve: vers une meilleure compréhension de sa neurophysiologie et de son organisation psychologique. Remise du prix Spécial Université de Lyon par l'Association des Amis de l'Université de Lyon (AAUL) le 23 juin 2014 à Lyon, France.

Ruby P. Rêve et rechercher expérimentale: psychologie et neurophysiologie. International meeting Aging & Sleep, June 19-20, 2014, Lyon, France.

Ruby P, Vallat R, Eichenlaub JB, Nicolas A, Daltrozzo J, Redouté J, Costes N. Brain anatomy of subjects with high and low dream recall frequency. 31th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 4-8, 2014, Berkeley, Californie, USA.

Ruby P. Ou en est la recherche sur le rêve ? Journée d'étude "Rêves et société" organisée par Arianna Cecconi et Tuia Cherici le 21 février 2014 à l'IMéRA, Marseille.

Ruby P, Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Bertrand O, Daltrozzo J, Redoute J, Costes N, Nicolas A. Which brain activity differentiates subjects with high and low dream recall frequency: EEG and PET studies. 30th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 21-25, 2013, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

Ruby P, Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Bertrand O, Daltrozzo J, Redoute J, Costes N, Nicolas A. Which brain activity differentiates subjects with high and low dream recall frequency: EEG and PET studies. 11e Colloque de la Société des Neurosciences, 21-24 mai 2013, Lyon, France.

Ruby P. Collaboration between Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis : what benefit for neuroscience? ATELIER : Sciences Cognitives et Psychanalyse : La NEUROPSYCHANALYSE. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 29 avril 2013.

Ruby P. Mémoire implicite d’épisodes vécus : un point de convergence entre neuroscience cognitive et psychanalyse. Cercle de Neuropsychologie et de Psychanalyse (CNEP), Université libre de Bruxelles, 30 novembre 2012.

Ruby P, Blochet C., Eichenlaub J.B., Bertrand O., Morlet D. and Bidet-Caulet A. Activité alpha induite par le propre prénom : une étude EEG à l’éveil et pendant le sommeil. Le congrès du sommeil, 22-24 novembre 2012, Bordeaux, France.

Ruby P. Une grande fréquence de rapport de rêve est-elle associée à une activité cérébrale particulière? Etudes en potentiels évoqués et en tomographie par émission de positons. Cercle de Neuropsychologie et Psychanalyse, 19 novembre 2012, Paris, France. (Présentation orale, invitée par Lisa Ouss)

Ruby P. Dreaming : what did we learn from research in psychology and neurophysiology ? The fourth IASD European Regional Conference, September 7-9, 2012, Berne, Switzerland.

Eichenlaub JB, Nicolas A, Daltrozzo J, Redouté J, Costes N, Ruby P. Resting brain activity varies with dream recall frequency : a PET study. 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 22-26, 2012, Berkeley, California, USA.

Ruby P, Morlet D, Daltrozzo J, Bertrand O, Redoute J, Costes N, Nicolas A, Eichenlaub JB. Which cerebral activity differentiates high and low dream recallers ? ERPs and PET studies. 13th International Congress of Neuropsychoanalysis, June 14-16, 2012, Athènes, Grèce.

Ruby P, Morlet D, Daltrozzo J, Bertrand O, Redoute J, Costes N, Nicolas A, Eichenlaub JB. Which cerebral activity differentiates Dreamers from Non-Dreamers ? ERPs and PET studies. Nineteenth annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), march 31 - april 3, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Ruby P, Morlet D, Eichenlaub JB. Do the brains of Dreamers and Non-Dreamers differ ? 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 24-28, 2011, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.

Ruby P, Legrand D. L'empathie est-elle une aptitude si sociale? Apport de la neuroimagerie L’empathie, 18-25 juin 2011, Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-La-Salle, France (invitée par Nicolas Georgieff)

Ruby P. Le rêve : que nous a appris la recherche en psychologie et en neurophysiologie ? 4ème Journée nationale de la narcolepsie, 20 mai 2011, Paris, France. (invitée par Isabelle Arnulf)

Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Ruby P. Un son inattendu oriente-t-il notre attention pendant le sommeil ? Etude électrophysiologique chez l’Homme. Colloque “Cognition & Emotion” - Sciences cognitives / Sciences affectives : Synergie ou Opposition, 26-27 mars 2010, Paris, France.

Ruby P, Legrand D. Le concept du "Self" à l'épreuve de la neuroimagerie : qu'avons nous appris ? Cercle de Neuropsychologie et Psychanalyse, 22 mars 2010, Paris, France. (Invitée par Lisa Ouss)

Ruby P, Legrand D. What did we learn about the “Self” with neuroimaging techniques ? Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality Meeting, February 25-27, 2010, Freiburg, Germany. (Invitée par Stefan Schmidt)

Ruby P, Legrand D. What is self-specific? Mind and Life Summer Research Institute, June 7-13, 2009, New-York, USA. (invited)

Ruby P & Legrand D. Is Mind reading so social ? International workshop “Perspectives on social and spatial perspective taking – in the eyes of the beholder”, 26-28 février 2008, Aarhus, Danemark. (Invitée par Chris Frith)

Ruby P. Sommeil et mémoire. Colloques de Rééducation Rhône-Alpes, 16 janvier 2008, Hopital Henry Gabrielle, Lyon. (Invitée par Jacques Luauté)

Salmon E, Collette F, D’Argembeau A, Peters F, Degueldre C, Balteau E, Luxen A, Maquet P, Ruby P. Prise de perspective et évaluation de la personnalité dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. Neuvième Réunion Francophone sur la maladie d'Alzheimer et les syndromes apparentés, 20-22 novembre 2007, Nice Acropolis, France.

Ruby P & Legrand D. What is self-specific? A tutorial questioning the cerebral correlates of the self. Onzième congrès annuel de “Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness”. Tutorial. 22-25 juin 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Ruby P & Legrand D. What is self-specific? Huitième conference de la société de science cognitive, KogWis2007, 18-21 mars 2007, Sarrebruck, Germany.

Ruby P, Boulet S, Delpuech C, Caclin A, Morlet D. Comment le cerveau endormi réagit-il aux sons? Exploration électrophysiologique pendant tous les stades du sommeil. Réunion de la Société de Psychophysiologie Cognitive, 17-18 novembre 2006, Lyon, France.

Ruby P & Legrand D. What is self-specific? Septième réunion du “ Mainzer Nachwuchsgruppe Philosophie des Geistes” Dreaming and Consiousness, 25-28 octobre 2006, Francfort, Germany.

Ruby P & Legrand D. Neuroimaging the self ? The international association for the study of Attention and performance 2-8 juillet 2006, Chateau de Pizay, France. (Invitée par Patrick Haggard, Yves Rossetti and Mitsuo Kawato)

Ruby P, Peters F, D’Argembeau A, Collette F, Maquet P, Salmon E. Perspective taking in personality assessment : where does it fail in Alzheimer’s disease. Sixième réunion du “ Mainzer Nachwuchsgruppe Philosophie des Geistes” Dreaming and Consiousness, 17-19 mai 2006, Francfort, Germany.

Ruby P, Schmidt C, Hogge M, D’argembeau A, Collette F, Salmon E. Consciousness of social behaviour : where does it fail in frontotemporal dementia ? Toward a Science of Consciousness 4-8 Avril 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Ruby P, Schmidt C, Hogge M, D’argembeau A, Collette F, Salmon E. Social mind representation : where does it fail in frontotemporal dementia. Workshop on the contribution of mirroring processes to human mindreading 8-11 decembre 2005, Paris, France. (Invitée par Pierre Jacob).

Albouy G, Ruby P, Balteau E, Sterpenich V, Vandewalle G, Desseilles M, Dang Vu T, Darsaud A, Degueldre C, Luppi PH, Luxen A, Peigneux P, Maquet P. Evolution des corrélats cérébraux d’un apprentissage de séquence oculomotrice au cours des 24 premières heures. XXème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche sur le Sommeil (SFRS), 24-26 novembre 2005, Lyon, France.

Ruby P, Schmidt C, Hogge M, D’argembeau A, Collette F, Salmon E. Social mind representation : where does it fail in frontotemporal dementia. Cinquième réunion du “ Mainzer Nachwuchsgruppe Philosophie des Geistes” Metacognition, 20-22 octobre 2005, Francfort, Germany.

Ruby P, Schmidt C, Hogge M, D’argembeau A, Collette F, Salmon E. Neural correlates of anosognosia for social disability in frontotemporal dementia. IX International Conference On Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON) 5-10 septembre 2005, La Havane, Cuba.

Ruby P. Perspective taking in healthy subjects and patients with neurodegenerative dementia. Le cercle de Neurologie comportementale 10-11 mars 2005, Paris, France. (Invitée par François Michel)

Ruby P. Self/other distinction in perspective taking with social emotion. International Workshop “Self and body in modern neuroscience” 24 février 2004, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Londres, England. (Invitée par Patrick Haggard)

Ruby P. Cerebral mechanism involved in the distinction of first-person and third-person perspective. Troisième réunion du “ Mainzer Nachwuchsgruppe Philosophie des Geistes” Mirror neurons and consciousness, 27-29 novembre 2003, Mayence, Germany. (Invitée par Thomas Metzinger)

Ruby P. en remplacement de Pierre Maquet. Key-note lecture: Off-line processing of memory traces during sleep: contribution of functional neuroimaging. Congrès des “swiss societies of neurology and for sleep research, sleep medicine and chronobiology” 20-22 novembre 2003, Zürich, Switzerland.

Ruby P. Cerebral mechanism involved in the distinction of first-person and third-person perspective. Max Planck Institute de Neuroscience Cognitive / Dep. Neurologie 2 juin 2003, Leipzig, Germany. (Invitée par Marcel Brass)

Ruby P. Cerebral mechanism involved in the distinction of first-person and third-person perspective. International workshop “self representation – the neural correlates of human self consciousness” 3-5 avril 2003, Delmenhorst, Germany. (Invitée par Kai Vogeley)

Ruby P., Decety J. La prise de perspective: mise en évidence de ses corrélats neurophysiologiques en TEP. Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron 2002, Liège, Belgium. (Invitée par Pierre Maquet)

Ruby P., Decety J. S’imaginer agir ou imaginer autrui agir: une étude TEP des mécanismes impliqués dans l’agentivité. IVème Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitive 2-3-4 mai 2001, Lyon, France.

Ruby P., Decety J. La planification de l'action : Etude d'activation en TEP à l'aide de scripts chez le sujet sain. Service de psychiatrie de l'Hopital de la Salpêtrière 1999, Paris, France. (Invitée par Jean François Allilaire)

Ruby P., Decety J. La planification de scripts d'action: Etude en TEP. Journée de Neuroimagerie fonctionnelle. Institut des Sciences Cognitives, 8 mars 1999, Lyon, France.


10th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress "NEUROPSYCHOANALYSIS: WHO NEEDS IT?", june 27-28, 2009. Paris, France.

17th Mind and Life Conference, October 17-19, 2008. Berlin, Allemagne (Invited by Wolf Singer). CANCELLED

The 25th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams " Dreams without borders", july 8-12, 2008, Montreal, Canada.


Morlet D, Ruby P, Fischer C, Andre-Obadia N. A new EEG paradigm to improve the detection of consciousness in non communicative patients. The 7th Mismatch Negativity Conference, 8-11 septembre 2015, Leipzig, Allemagne.

Vallat R, Morlet D, Ruby P. Marco- and micro-structure of sleep in high and low dream recallers. 19ème congrès annuel de l’ “Association for the scientific study of consciousness”, 7-10 Juillet 2015, Paris, France.

Vallat R, Chatard B, Ruby P. Which kind of waking life events are incorporated into dreams? 19ème congrès annuel de l’ “Association for the scientific study of consciousness”, 7-10 Juillet 2015, Paris, France.

Morlet D, Ruby P, Fischer C, Andre-Obadia N. A new EEG paradigm to improve the detection of consciousness in non communicative patients. 19ème congrès annuel de l’ “Association for the scientific study of consciousness”, 7-10 Juillet 2015, Paris, France.

Vallat R, Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Ruby P. Microstructure du sommeil des grands et des petits rapporteurs de rêve. Le congrès du Sommeil, 20-22 novembre 2014, Lille, France.

Moreno Y, Vidal J, Perrone M, Kahane P, Ruby P, Lachaux JP. Investigation of sleep and dreaming using intracranial EEG: preliminary results. 11e Colloque de la Société des Neurosciences, 21-24 mai 2013, Lyon, France.

Eichenlaub J.B., Nicolas A., Daltrozzo J., Redouté J., Costes N., Ruby P. L’activité du système limbique corrèle avec l’indice de masse corporelle à l’éveil et pendant le sommeil lent. Le congrès du sommeil, 22-24 novembre 2012, Bordeaux, France.

Ruby P, Eichenlaub JB, Daltrozzo J, Redouté J, Costes N, Nicolas A. Between subject resting brain activity varies with dream recall frequency: a PET study. The third Biennial Conference on Resting State Brain connectivity, 5-7 septembre 2012, Magdeburg, Allemagne.

Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Daltrozzo J, Bertrand O, Redoute J, Costes N, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Brain activity differentiates subjects with high and low dream recall frequencies during both sleep and wakefulness : ERPs and PET studies. First Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9-12 mai 2012, Marseille, France.

Ruby P, Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D. Brain reactivity to novel and deviant sounds differentiates subjects with high and low dream recall frequency during both sleep and wakefulness. Sixth Conference on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, 1-4 mai 2012, New-York, Etats-Unis.

Eichenlaub JB, Morlet D, Ruby P. Do the brains of Dreamers and Non-Dreamers differ ? Worldsleep2011, 16-20 octobre 2011, Kyoto, Japon.

Eichenlaub JB., Ruby P., Morlet D. Is the own first-name more efficient than another first-name to orient attention? An ERP study. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 6-10 juin 2010, Barcelone, Espagne.

Ruby P., Caclin A., Boulet S., Delpuech C., Morlet D. MMN to sound duration deviance during sleep. Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, 4-7 avril 2009, Budapest, Hongrie.

Morlet D, I Holeckova, Ruby P., J B. Eichenlaub and C Fischer. Late parietal positive waves to a subject’s own name in non-communicative patients. Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, 4-7 avril 2009, Budapest, Hongrie.

Eichenlaub JB., Ruby P., Morlet D. Meaningful novelty processing during sleep in humans. Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, 4-7 avril 2009, Budapest, Hongrie.

Eichenlaub JB., Ruby P., Morlet D. Meaningful novelty processing during sleep in humans. Fifteenth annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 21-24 mars 2009, San Francisco, Etats-Unis.

Eichenlaub JB., Ruby P., Morlet D. Meaningful novelty processing during sleep in humans. The 50th anniversary of the paradoxical sleep discovery – Basic and clinical Perspectives, 7-10 janvier 2009, Lyon, France.

Eichenlaub JB., Ruby P., Morlet D. Meaningful novelty processing during sleep in humans. Tenth International Conference On Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-5 Septembre 2008, Bodrum, Turquie.

Morlet D., Holeckova I., Ruby P., Eichenlaub JB., Fischer C. Late parietal positive waves to a subject’s own name in non-communicative patient. Tenth International Conference On Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-5 Septembre 2008, Bodrum, Turquie.

Ruby P., & Legrand D. What is self-specific? Theoretical investigation and critical review of neuroimaging results. Ninth International Congress of Neuropsychoanalysis "The self in conflict: Neuropsychoanalitic perspective", 25-28 juillet 2008, Montreal, Canada.

Ruby P., Caclin A.., Boulet S., Delpuech C., Morlet D. Odd sound processing in the brain during sleep. Fifth world sleep congress of the WFSRSMS, 2-6 september 2007, Cairns, Australia.

Ruby P., Collette F., D’Argembeau A., Peters F., Degueldre C., Balteau E. , Luxen A., Maquet P., Salmon E. Anosognosia for personality change in AD: A combination of memory and perspective taking deficits ? 11th Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 22-25 june 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, US.

Ruby P., Caclin A., Boulet S., Delpuech C., Morlet D. How actively the sleeping brain process auditory stimuli? Brain reactivity to sound duration deviance assessed in all sleep stages. 11th Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 22-25 june 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, US.

Ruby P., Albouy G., Schwartz S., Phillips C., Peigneux P., Maquet P. Implicit oculomotor sequence learning in human : time course of offline processing. XXème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche sur le Sommeil (SFRS) 2005 Lyon, France.

Ruby P., Albouy G., Phillips C., Peigneux P., Maquet P. Implicit oculomotor sequence learning in human. IX International Conference On Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON) 2005 Havana city, Cuba.

Albouy G., Ruby P., Balteau E., Sterpenich V., Vandewalle G., Desseilles M., Dang Vu T., Darsaud A., Luxen A., Peigneux P., Maquet P. Neural correlates of fast and slow ocular sequence learning. Human Brain Mapping (HBM) 2005 Toronto, Canada.

Ruby P., Albouy G., Schwartz S., Phillips C., Peigneux P., Maquet P. Saccade sequence learning: following the mnesic trace before and after sleep. 17th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) 2004 Prague, République Tchèque.

Ruby P., Schmidt C., Hogge M., D’argembeau A., Collette F., Salmon E. Conceptual Perspective taking in patients with frontotemporal dementia. The Eighth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) 2004 Anvers, Belgique.

Ruby P., Schmidt C., Hogge M., Dargembeau A., Collette F., Salmon E. Perspective taking in patients with frontotemporal dementia. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2004 San Francisco, Etats-Unis.

Ruby P., Decety J. Self versus other perspective taking: PET investigation in neutral and emotional contexts. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2003 New York, Etats-Unis.

Ruby P., Decety J. How the brain distinguishes between the self and the other at the conceptual level ? International Conference On Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON) 2002 Porquerolles, France.

Ruby P., Decety J. Assessing the knowledge of others: a PET study of conceptual perspective taking. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2002 San Francisco, Etats-Unis.

Ruby P., Decety J. Effect of subjective perspective taking during simulation of action: a PET investigation of agency. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2001 New York, Etats-Unis.