
Charpentier--Hélary M, de la Chapelle A, Linard M, André-Obadia N, Boulogne S, Catenoix H, Jung J, Rheims S, Schiller K, Frauscher B, Ruby P*, Peter-Derex L*. Dreaming in patients with epilepsy: a cross-sectional cohort study. Journal of Sleep Research 2025; in press.

Nemeth D, Gerbier E, Born J,  Rickard T, Diekelman S, Fogel S, Genzel L,  Prehn-Kristensen A, Payne J, Dresler M, Simor P, Mazza S, Hoedlmoser K, Ruby P, Spencer R, Albouy G, Vékony T, Schabus M, Janacsek K. Optimizing the methodology of human sleep and memory research. Nature Reviews Psychology 2024; 3:123–137 .

Ruby P*, Evangelista E*, Bastuji H‡, Peter-Derex L‡. From physiological awakening to pathological sleep inertia:  neurophysiological and behavioural characteristics of the sleep-to-wake transition. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 2024;54(2):102934. 

Morlet D', Mattout J', Fischer C, Luauté J, Dailler F, Ruby P*, André-Obadia N*. Infraclinical detection of voluntary attention in coma and post-coma patients using electrophysiology. Clinical Neurophysiology 2023;145:151-161.

Vallat R, Türker B, Nicolas A, Ruby P. High dream recall frequency is associated with increased creativity and default mode network connectivity. Nature and Science of Sleep 2022;14:265-275. 

Blain S, de la Chapelle A, Caclin A*, Bidet-Caulet A*, Ruby P*. Dream recall frequency is associated with attention rather than with working memory abilities. Journal of Sleep Research, 2022;31(5):e13557 .

Ruby P, Masson R, Chatard B, Hoyer R, Bottemanne L, Vallat R, Bidet-Caulet A. High Dream Recall Frequency Is Associated with an Increase of Both Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attentional Processes. Cerebral Cortex 2022;32(17):3752-3762

de la Chapelle A, Frauscher B, Valomon A, Ruby P*, Peter-Derex L*. Relationship between epilepsy and dreaming: current knowledge, hypotheses, and perspectives. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021;15:717078.

Ruby P, Eskinazi M, Bouet R, Rheims S, Peter-Derex L. Dynamics of hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex activity during arousing reactions from sleep : an intracranial EEG study. Human Brain Mapping 2021;42(16):5188-5203.

Kennedy K, Bastien C, Ruby P, Killgore W, Wills C, Grandner M. Nightmare Content During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Influence of COVID-Related Stress and Sleep Disruption in the United States. Journal of Sleep Research 2022;31(1):e13439.

Ruby P, Masson R, Chatard B, Hoyer R, Bottemane L, Vallat R, Bidet-Caulet A. Increase of both bottom-up and top-down attentional processes in high dream recallers. BioRXIV, 2021, june 17.

Rousseau PF, Vallat R, Coste O, Cadis H, Nicolas F, Trousselard M, Ruby P, Khalfa S. Sleep parameters improvement in PTSD soldiers after symptoms remission. Scientific Reports 2021;11(1):8873.

Nicolas A, Ruby P. Dreams, sleep and psychotropic drugs. Frontiers in Neurology 2020;11:507495.

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Vallat R, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Brain functional connectivity upon awakening from sleep predicts inter-individual differences in dream recall frequency. Sleep, 2020;43(12):zsaa116 .

Nemeth D, Gerbier E, Born J, Rickard T, Albouy G, Diekelman S, Fogel S, Genzel L, Prehn-Kristensen A, Payne J, Dresler M, Simor P, Mazza S, Hoedlmoser K, Ruby P, Spencer R, Schabus M, Janacsek K. Pitfalls in Sleep and Memory Research and How to Avoid Them: A Consensus Paper. Preprints 2019; 2019080208 (doi:10.20944/preprints201908.0208.v2). 

Vallat R, Ruby P. Is it a good idea to cultivate lucid dreaming? Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research 2019;10:2585 .

Plailly J, Villalba M, Vallat R, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Incorporation of fragmented visuo-olfactory episodic memory into dreams and its association with memory performance. Scientific Reports 2019;9(1):15687.

Combrisson E, Vallat R, O'Reilly C,  Jas M,  Pascarella A,  Saive AL, Thiery T, Meunier D, Altukhov D, Lajnef T, Ruby P,  Guillot A, Jerbi K. VISBRAIN: A multi-purpose GPU-accelerated open-source suite for multimodal brain data visualization. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 2019;13:14.

Vallat R, Eichenlaub JB, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Hard to wake up? The cerebral correlates of sleep inertia assessed using combined behavioral, EEG and fMRI measures. Neuroimage 2019;184: 266-278.

Blagrove M, Edwards C, van Rijn E, Reid A, Malinowski J, Bennett P, Carr M, Eichenlaub JB, McGee S,  Evans K, Ruby P. Insight from the Consideration of REM dreams, Non-REM Dreams and Daydreams. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 2019;6(2),138-162.

Vallat R, Eichenlaub JB, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Dream recall frequency is associated with medial prefrontal cortex white-matter density. Frontiers in Psychology 2018;9:1856. 

Vallat R, Eskinazi M, Nicolas A, Ruby P. Sleep and dream habits in a sample of French college students who report no sleep disorders. Journal of Sleep Research 2018;27(5):e12659. pdf

Van Rijn E, Reid A, Edwards C, Malinowski J, Ruby P, Eichenlaub JB, Blagrove M. Daydreams incorporate recent waking life concerns but do not show delayed ('dream-lag') incorporations. Consciousness and Cognition 2018;58:51-59.

Vallat R, Chatard B, Blagrove M, Ruby P. Characteristics of the memory sources of dreams: a new version of the content-matching paradigm to take mundane and remote memories into account. PLoS One 2017;12(10): e0185262.

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Vallat R, Lajnef T, Eichenlaub JB, Berthomier C, Jerbi K, Morlet D, Ruby P. Increased Evoked Potentials to Arousing Auditory Stimuli during Sleep: Implication for the Understanding of Dream Recall. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2017;11:132.

Lajnef T, O’Reilly C, Combrisson E, Chaibi S, Eichenlaub JB, Ruby P, Aguera PE, Samet M, Kachouri A, Frenette S, Carrier J, Jerbi K. Meet Spinky: An open-source Spindle and K-complex detection toolbox validated on the open-access Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies (MASS). Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 2017;11:15. 

Lajnef T, Chaibi S,  Eichenlaub JB, Ruby P, Aguera PE, Samet M, Kachouri A, Jerbi K. Sleep spindle and K-complex detection using tunable Q-factor wavelet transform and morphological component analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015;9:414.

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Lajnef T, Chaibi S, Ruby P, Aguera PE, Eichenlaub JB, Samet M, Kachouri A, Jerbi K. Learning machines and sleeping brains: Automatic sleep stage classification using decision-tree multi-class support vector machines. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2015;250:94-105. pdf

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